5 Do’s and 5 Don’ts of Baby Gates

Installing a baby gate or pet gate can be harder than it seems but we have some expert tips to help make it easier for you. We’ve put together 5 do’s and 5 don’ts for installing and using baby gates correctly in your home. Read through our babyproofing tips to make sure your baby/pet gate is installed safely and securely.

5 Do's for Baby Gates: 

  • 1. Do select only hardware-mounted gates for the top of the stairs. Install the gate so that it swings open over the floor, not over the steps. 
  • 2. Do install gate hardware into the wall stud or into solid wood. Use screws that are long enough for installation into the gate hardware. drywall and into the wall stud. Sometimes the screws that come with gates. 
  • 3. Do put a gate at the bottom of your stairs. Children can quickly climb up stairs and fall. 
  • 4. Do use baby gates that are JPMA certified for use for children. 
  • 5. Do keep gates closed and latched. This prevents injuries and damage to your gate. 

5 Don't for Baby gates: 

  1. Don't use pressure gates at the top of stairways. they can easily become dislodged or be a tripping hazard. 
  2. Don't install latch or hinge hardware into round or uneven banister posts. 
  3. Don't create an entrapment risk by installing your baby gate too high. 
  4. Don't climb over your baby gate. Your child may get the idea that it is ok to climb over the gate or you could accidentally dislodge the gate. 
  5. Don't forget that adult supervision is best. 

Baby Gate Wall Protector can keep pressure gates more stable and wall damage-free.  No need drilling, No tools required. No need screws. If you choose a pressre safety gate, then vmaisi wall protector will be more helpful for secure.

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